Hm? OH! ME??? uhhhh ok ok so ill let you know who Gooey is!

HI! Im Gooey! I am a Freelance Artist (If you havent Noticed already.) Ill go into more depth, but a quick summary, I am an Asian-American. I live in North America and even Served in the US Army from 2016-2020. I have been to South Korea and would absolutely Reccomend Visiting it!


So... What even is Gooey?

- Ok Ok. i know what he looks like... So Gooey is actually supposed to be a ghost, Who suffers from Anxiety, and due to this, cannot maintain a ghostly shape. therefore he is a puddly little ball of Ectoplasm.
- Gooey Sometimes has cat ears, sometimes just has cat-ear Headphones, but is usually bald because he deserves nothing >:) (Be nice to gooey)

- Believe it or not, Gooey was originally just supposed to be a placeholder for whatever mascot I would have wanted later!
- Gooey is kinda based on how i used to use basic Emoticons on Minecraft Server Chats. i used to border certian faces with Parenthesis tomore convey a face: (._. )
- Heres some of the original Gooeys i made:

- I dunno When but i kinda just got attached to the lil guy. i think the idea of making him this "temporary" little depressed blob guy that i was constantly mean to (telling people id squish him and yeet him at a wall) kinda just like... connected to me?
- Now he's here to Suffer FOREVER!

How long have you been an artist?

- So Realistically I have been drawing since middle school. making doodles on random notes and on my school desk, often getting into trouble with teachers. I got my first dedicated Sketchbook somewhere probably around Junior Year of high-school. its definitely filled with cringey drawings of its time @_@ (mostly tracings from Anime i was into like Akira and DBZ).-It wasn't until i was in the army where i really got into traditional art using ink where i can say i finally started doing art requests from other soldiers. i (somewhat regrettably) drew a lot of tattoo designs for people, and even drew my own design for my first tattoo. (i only sort of regret it because now some 6-7ish years later i see all the flaws in my old style lmao)-I would periodically draw on my little Android Tab A tablet (mostly lewd art i wouldn't want others to see if they went through my sketchbooks) but I got my first actual digital Art Tablet in 2022 (a Gaomon PD2200) And havent really looked back since. i sometimes still draw traditionally, but Digital is So much easier to manage and share.-Before my Gaomon Tablet, for any digitally colored project I used to literally:
1: Draw whatever i was Drawing on paper
2: Ink The Drawing Traditionally
3: Use a Halo-light Lamp to get as clean lighting as I physically could
4: Take Multiple Pictures with my phone and use the Best one
5: Use a photo editing app to make the image asflat as possible to perserve the original Composition/ Perspective
6: would actually REDRAW every line digitally on my tablet trying as hard as possible to preserve the lineart
only then could I actually treat the art piece like an actual drawing.

You were in the Army?

- Unfortunately, Yes! I was Not a very accomplished student in school and after only learning what the education system deemed necessary for an up and coming citizen to know, Naturally I stood absolutely zero chance of attaining a successful future anywhere! so i did the one thing an able bodied person with zero work experience could do. that's right! i sold my body to the federal government! Yay!
- But seriously, I enlisted in 2016 as a (12B) Combat engineer and served under the 3rd Infantry Division until December of 2019, though i did not actually leave until 2020 due to the Army's "Excellent" system of out-processing. I left just in time for the funny C-word Virus :O
- I dont regret my time in service at all. besides just learning alot about myself (like finding out that im absolutely Bisexual @_@ you'd be surprised how many soldiers are) And i got to go to different places in the world like South Korea and Death Valley (the Former was much funner) But it was definitely time to get out for me. i unfortunately have pretty bad spinal injuries from my service. nothing horribly debilitating but it prevents me from doing alot of more physical activities i used to enjoy.